Dinacharya is a Sanskrit term made up of two words – ‘Dina’ meaning day and ‘Acharya’ meaning activity or regimen. So, dinacharya means daily activities to be followed to help us align ourselves to the circadian rhythm or internal body clock. Ayurvedic treatment protocols work when we follow appropriate lifestyle regimes which are in tune with our constitution. That’s where under the daily preventive healthcare regime comes the Dinacharya.

Dinacharya helps train the body to follow nature’s rhythms. This daily regime when followed helps one to achieve an equilibrium of dosha’s, balanced Agni, good digestion, and metabolism. It promotes leading a disciplined life with peace and longevity.

Early morning is the most peaceful and calming time of the day, a fact advocated unequivocally by every religion as well. The morning hours of 3 am – 6 am which are actually the last three hours of night comprise the Brahma muhurta, a time when Vata dosha is dominant. Ayurveda recommends to using this time to pray, meditate and focus on the breath. It is the time to easily connect to one’s spiritual side, the best time to gain knowledge and tune our body to nature’s positive and peaceful vibes which rejuvenates the mind, body, and soul.

Do not do any exercise that is exhausting or indulge in any sexual activity at this time. It is important to note that as Vata is the dominant dosha during Brahma muhurta, evacuation will be easy at this time.

The prominence of a dosha during a day follows a 4 hourly cycle starting with Kapha dosha from 6:00 am until 10:00 am, Pitta dosha from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm and Vata dosha from 2:00 pm until 6:00 pm and the cycle is repeated again during the night. 


Morning from 6:00 am – 10:00 am is the time to stimulate the metabolism (Kapha kaal) through physical activities/exercises. Many of the dinacharya rituals are performed at this time.

Mid-morning (10:00 am to 2:00 pm) is Pitta Kaal, which is the best time for all activities especially intellectual ones that consume energy.

Late afternoon/evening (2:00 pm – 6:00 pm) is Vata kaal and the most delicate time for Vata imbalance. This is a time to spend in a calm and peaceful environment, doing creative activities.

Late evening/night after 6:00 pm until 10:00 pm, (Kapha kaal) is best for winding down, allowing the mind and body to come down from an increased activity state. It is best to prepare to sleep by the end of this period as it allows for a deeper and more natural sleep. This time is also best for calming, soothing practices like pranayama, light conversation, reading, etc. Avoid activities like intense conversations, viewing distressing news/movies on television, or computer or reading thought-provoking articles/books, etc., as this disturbs/agitates the mind before sleep.

Between 10:00 pm until 2:00 am is Pitta kaal, wherein the body detoxifies itself physically and mentally. Being in deep sleep allows this process to take place without hindrance. 

Read more on detailed Dinacharya activities.