
  1. There could be multiple reasons for obesity. However, Ayurveda primarily looks at Kapha and Vata imbalance to be the main reason for it. Therefore, Ayurveda suggests to avoiding Kapha aggravating foods and lifestyles to treat obesity. At the same time, bear in mind to keep Vata also in balance. Here are a few handy tips as per Ayurveda for keeping weight under check in case of obesity.
  2. Start the day with a glass of hot water. Aloe vera shot, apple cider vinegar in warm water, warm water infused with ginger or lemon are some of the options to drink on empty stomach (use discretion / individual digestive capacity should be assessed).
  3. Avoid drinking cold drinks and eating cold foods. Always use warm water for drinking and bathing/showering.
  4. Eat only when the previous meal has been digested completely.
  5. The best strategy is to keep the breakfast light, make lunch the main meal of the day and dinner the lightest meal of the day like  soup or broth. If possible skip breakfast altogether and have an early lunch instead. Do not snack in between meals.
  6. Use spices like cumin, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom and fennel in your diet.
  7. Limit dairy products such as cheese, ice cream, yogurt , etc. Also reduce fried , and fatty food items, aerated drinks and junk food. Drink buttermilk instead of curd.
  8. Keep yourself well hydrated. Sip warm water/fluids/beverages throughout the day and not guzzle large quantities in one go. In fact try to limit your fluid intake.
  9. Avoid sitting or resting for sustained periods. Movement, stretching, any physical activity , or physical and mental stimulation is necessary to get over Kaphā ’s stagnant energy. Choose stimulating activities including exercises like cardio, brisk walking, jogging, running, cycling, tennis, aerobics and Yoga , and Pranayama , etc.
  10. Try to wake up before 6 am. Avoid sleeping during the day and after meals. Post 6 am indulge to stimulating physical activities followed by Abhyanga. Self-abhyanga i.e. applying warm oil in the head and body daily is the best routine to start the day with for a Kaphā. This warm, nourishing, loving massage of the whole body enhances circulation and nervous energy flow in the body stimulates the person. It is best to use Sesame seed/Til/Gingerly oil, mustard oil, castor oil for Abhyanga.
  11. An ideal meal should consist of :
    • 20% whole grains like dry cereals, rye crackers , and cooked grains.
    • 30% protein – chicken, turkey, fresh water fish, rabbit, most beans, poached and boiled eggs, lentils
    • 40% fresh vegetables
    • 10% is optional for fresh or dried fruit.

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