Hemorrhoids: Aloe vera has got mild laxative action and wound healing properties. A small amount of aloe vera juice when taken on empty stomach every morning is beneficial against hemorrhoids.

Constipation: 10-20 ml of aloe vera juice mixed with 1/4th teaspoon of turmeric powder and 2 gm of rock salt when taken an on empty stomach every morning relieves constipation.

Burns and wounds: Take aloe vera pulp and mix some turmeric powder to it. Apply it on the burns and even wounds. It reduces redness, swelling and expedites the healing process.

Mastitis: Peel an aloe vera leaf from one side and heat it slightly. Sprinkle some turmeric powder on it and tie it on the breast. It reduces the pain and swelling.

Liver function: 10-20 ml of aloe vera juice every morning an on empty stomach helps improve liver function. Same is beneficial in jaundice also.

Acne and redness of the skin: Mix 1 teaspoon of aloe vera with ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply this paste on the affected areas. Wash off when it dries. It reduces the appearance of acne and inflammation.

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