Skincare is an equally integral part of our daily routine as all the other rituals. Our skin reflects our internal environment be it physical, mental, or emotional. Skin health, and youthfulness are dependent on proper moisture balance which means Kapha is in balance, effective metabolism which ensures balanced chemical and hormonal functioning implying Pitta in balance and proper blood circulation and nutrient supply to the skin meaning Vata is in balance.

Skincare routine in Ayurveda is governed by the skin type as per dosha.

Vata skin:

Dry, with a thin topmost layer of the skin and gentle textured. Generally cold to touch, Vata skin tends to lose tone easily and develop wrinkles. That’s why signs of premature aging appear on a Vata skin.

Vata skin needs regular and proper moisturization with oils or creams. Sesame, almond, and apricot are some of the preferred oils for Vata skin. A calm and peaceful state of mind, gentle exercise, warm, and nourishing foods with Vata balancing herbs and spices and regular oil massage are recommended for a Vata skin.

Pitta skin:

Pitta skin is mainly hot, oily, sensitive, acne and inflammation prone. Such skin requires more cooling and water-based products. Oils and creams are not so compatible with this skin type as they may lead to breakouts (unless at the discretion of Ayurveda physician). Products with herbs like aloe vera, sandalwood, coconut, turmeric, and neem work well with Pitta skin. Avoiding harsh sunlight and excessive heat is helpful. Water-based activities and cooling environments are preferred. Good levels of hydration, avoiding spicy, and sour foods. Instead cooling, liver and blood purifying diets are advisable.

Kapha skin:

Kapha skin is colder and oilier. It is more prone to water retention, skin sagging, pimples, and whiteheads. Such skin can lose firmness, elasticity, and contour easily. They should also avoid oil-based products and use masks more often (unless at the discretion of Ayurveda physician). Lymphatic drainage, dry brushing, and regular warm oil massages along with steam and sauna help to reduce water retention and bring more firmness to the skin. Gentle exfoliation is also good for Kapha skin.

Limit dairy and dairy-based products and incorporate more warm and nourishing herbs and spices. Extremely cold environments and chilled foods and drinks are also not good for Kapha skin.

Combination skin:

Some skin types exhibit a mix of characteristics and therefore their skincare routine also must be a combination based on these characteristics. There may be a combination of Vata-Pitta where skin tends to be drier and more sensitive, or a Kapha-Pitta showing  oily and sensitive skin, while a Vata-Kapha skin exhibits a mix of dry and oily patches.

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